Northwood Academy of Hurdles will endeavour to ensure that those working with children and vulnerable adults adopt the best possible practice to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the participant by:-
Each group is led by one or more experienced UKA qualified coaches (supported by UKA Assistant coaches), all of whom have been, subject to full enhanced DBS, criminal record disclosure, safeguarding training and screened to confirm their suitability to work with children in accordance with best coaching practice.
Ensuring that the participants and parents are aware of the purposes of videoing, filming or photography during training or events. Photography & video footage (other than that taken for coaching purposes), will be undertaken by a suitably approved photographer.
Parents/Guardian/Spectators. who may wish to capture images of an associated participating athlete, are asked to respect the privacy of other athletes involved in the session, and afford serious consideration to the potential for any subsequent adaption or inappropriate use, if subject to social media exposure.
The Academy will exercise a zero-tolerance level of poor practice, bullying, or any other potential form of abuse or offensive behaviour.