Data Protection Policy

On receipt and acceptance of your application to join the Northwood Academy of Hurdles we will collect and hold personal data (as defined by the Data Protection Act 1998 & The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) introduced with effect from 25th May 2018).

Personal Data (Athletics Data) will include your name, gender, date of birth, address, telephone number, details of any school or athletic club to which you may be affiliated, email address and details of any current coach.

Video analysis and Photography

Video analysis of hurdling technique can provide an invaluable, legitimate aid to the coach and or athlete and may therefore be utilized by Academy coaches during the Northwood Sessions, as part of the coaching programme.

Receipt of applications to join the academy sessions will be treated as implied consent by the athlete and parent/guardian, to the use of recording equipment, for the purpose outlined above. Such material may also be stored, for possible use, to promote both the Sport and the Academy, in publications and on the Website.

Every care will be taken to ensure the security of such materials however, if you are concerned about any photography taking place at these events, please contact the event organizer who will be pleased to discuss this matter with you.

Why we Process this Personal Data (Athletics Data)

We will collect and process your athletics data on the basis of legitimate interests in a way which might reasonable be expected as part of running the Academy and which does not materially impact your rights, freedom or interests.

We will use your data for the purpose of registering you as a member of the Academy, processing payments received, providing you with information about the Academy sessions, the availability of Academy themed clothing and for administering your involvement in the sessions provided.

Privacy Policy

  • Your personal data will be processed securely, regularly updated and used only for the purpose for which it was collected. It will NOT be shared with any other third party or used for external Marketing Purposes.
  • Your name, age group preferred event, club and performance information (if known) will be shared with the academy coaches to administer and facilitate training sessions appropriate to your age, ability and preferred event.

Data Retention

Athletics Data will be kept for as long as you are registered with the academy and deleted up to 4 years after you have taken no further involvement.

You have the right to request

  • You have the right to request access to the personal data we hold about you free of charge.
  • Request the correction of your personal data if incorrect, out of date or incomplete.

Subject Data requests

Subject access requests should be directed to

Enrolment Terms & Conditions

Applicants should be of a reasonable club standard in the chosen event and accept that the activities require a moderate level of fitness. Athletes/applicants should not enrol/participate in the activities unless he / she are physically able to do so.

By initiating an application to join the Academy sessions, you certify that to the best of your knowledge or belief, the participating athlete, does not have any medical condition which might increase the probability or likelihood of involvement in an incident that could result in injury to their selves or others. Coaches should be informed of any medical condition which could impact on their ability, well-being, or performance.

Although injuries are potentially an aspect of all sports, hurdling does present its own challenges and whilst every effort will be made to ensure the safety of athletes, in the unlikely event of an accident or loss or damage to personal effects, the Northwood Academy of Hurdles and event organisers will not be liable for any direct or indirect loss damage or injury arising from, participation. or in connection with the activities.

We appreciate that some athletes do not always wish to take part on the day, or may wish to attend other events, however we are unable to offer a refund for any athletes who do not take part, due to the fact that we have entered into a hire agreement with the venue owner and reserved their place. In unforeseen circumstances, which render it impossible to proceed with any or all of the scheduled sessions at the Northwood Stadium venue, Northwood Academy of Hurdles reserves the right, to rearrange the date and if necessary, relocate the session to an alternative venue as a last resort.


Northwood Academy of Hurdles will endeavour to ensure that those working with children and vulnerable adults adopt the best possible practice to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the participant by:-

The appointment of a Welfare /Safeguarding Officer (Charlotte Whitcombe), to whom grievances or complaints can be made in confidence, with assurances that grievances or complaints are dealt with promptly. 

Also ensuring that each group is led by one or more experienced UKA qualified coaches (frequently supported by UKA Assistant coaches), all of whom have been, subject to full enhanced DBS, criminal record disclosure, safeguarding training and screened to confirm their suitability to work with children in accordance with best coaching practice.

Ensuring that the participants and parents are aware of the purposes of videoing, filming or photography during training or events. Photography & video footage (other than that taken for coaching purposes), will be undertaken by a suitably approved photographer.

Parents/Guardian/Spectators. who may wish to capture images of an associated participating athlete, are asked to respect the privacy of other athletes involved in the session, and afford serious consideration to the potential for any subsequent adaption or inappropriate use, if subject to social media exposure.

The Academy will exercise a zero-tolerance level of poor practice, bullying, or any other potential form of abuse or offensive behaviour.